• In order for the abstract to be accepted, they must be compatible with the “Congress Topics”.
  • The relevant editor may propose a rejection decision for the abstract that are not compatible with the “Congress Topics” in the first evaluation. Abstract that are recommended to be rejected are decided by the editorial board.
  • In order for the abstract to be included in the Congress Book, at least one of the authors of the Abstract must be registered for the congress.
  • If the abstract has been accepted or published in a scientific journal, it can be accepted provided that this situation is reported.
  • Abstract previously presented in another congress: If the abstract has been previously presented in another congress, this should be stated. Provided that they are not exactly the same as the previous one, and that the study is interpreted and presented in terms of public health science, abstract that are concluded to make a significant contribution to the field of public health can be accepted. The reason for sending such abstract to the congress should be explained in detail in the “Note to the Scientific Committee” section in Step 9 of the online abstract system. Abstract previously submitted by the editors can be requested.
  • Ethics Committee approval must be obtained for researches conducted on humans and animals for Original Research type abstract. The status of obtaining ethics committee approval should be stated (such as received/not received/ethics committee approval is not required- studies evaluating publicly available data).
  • Abstract will be sent using the online abstract submission system on the congress website. Abstract sent by e-mail or post will not be considered.
  • After the abstract uploaded to the system are evaluated by the relevant editor, they will be evaluated as double-blind (blind review) by the referees in the Scientific Committee.
  • The evaluation process can be followed by the person registered in the abstract submission system via the abstract system on the congress web page. In addition, when the abstract is uploaded to the system, when a re-arrangement is requested, when the abstract is accepted or rejected for presentation at the congress, notifications will be sent to the owner of the abstract by e-mail. It is therefore recommended to check e-mail and junk (spam) e-mail from time to time.
  • The presentation type (Oral / Poster) of the accepted abstract will be determined by the Editorial Board with the recommendation of the reviewers. After the referee evaluation, whether the abstract is accepted or not, and if it is accepted, the presentation type (Oral / Poster) will be notified to the author in charge by e-mail.
  • Accepted abstract will be included in the e-Congress Book with ISBN No.
  • Abstract can be sent in Turkish or English languages.


  • Two TYPES of abstract are accepted at the congress:
    • Original Research (Can be Qualitative or Quantitative Research)
    • Review
  • While uploading the abstract to the system, TYPE selection should be made by the author.
  • Accepted abstract will be published in the e-congress book in two different formats:
    • Abstract Paper
    • Full Text Paper
  • The abstract uploaded to the abstract system only as ABSTRACT cannot be converted into FULL TEXT later. If these abstract are accepted, they are published in the ABSTRACT section of the Congress Book.
  • The full text word file of the abstract that are requested to be included in the Congress Book as FULL TEXT should be uploaded to the presentation system along with the ABSTRACT. Abstract uploaded with FULL TEXT file to the paper system are evaluated by the referee in this form and the accepted abstract are published in the FULL TEXT section of the Congress Book.


Abstract Unique Research Type Statement
  • Abstract should contain at least 250 and maximum 600 words.
  • The abstract text should not contain pictures, tables or graphics.
  • Authors should be registered in the system according to the order of their names in the abstract.
  • Abstract should consist of the following sections and each section should comply with the specified criteria:
  • Title: It should be written in capital letters, be short and concise, reflect the content of the study, and be appropriate in terms of describing and generalizing the study.
  • Introduction and Aim: Brief information should be given about the subject of the research, and the importance and purpose of the study should be clearly stated.
  • Materials and Method: The type, place, time, universe, sample, approval status of the ethics committee, funding, if any, data collection method, variables, data analysis of the research, and statistical tests used should be stated.
  • Results: The findings of the study should be presented to the reader in a clear and concise manner.
  • Conclusion: Important results of the study, its contribution to the existing knowledge and the inferences and recommendations based on it should be included.
  • References: Optional
  • Keywords: Minimum 3, maximum 5 words
  • Paper should contain at least 1,000 and at most 4,000 words.
  • Authors should be registered in the system according to the order of their names in the paper.
  • Paper should consist of the following sections and each section should comply with the specified criteria:
  • Title: It should be written in capital letters, be short and concise, reflect the content of the study, and be appropriate in terms of describing and generalizing the study.
  • Introduction and Aim: Brief information should be given about the subject of the research, and the importance and purpose of the study should be clearly stated.
  • Materials and Method: The type, place, time, universe, sample, approval status of the ethics committee, funding, if any, data collection method, variables, data analysis of the research, and statistical tests used should be stated.
  • Results: The findings of the study should be presented to the reader in a clear and concise manner. Pictures, tables and graphics can be included.
  • Discussion: Important findings of the study should be discussed in line with the current literature.
  • Conclusion: Important results of the study, its contribution to the existing knowledge and the inferences and recommendations based on it should be included.
  • References: It is mandatory. Reference writing rules of the Turkish Journal of Public Health are valid in the references.
  • Keywords: Minimum 3, maximum 5 words


  • Abstract should contain at least 250 and maximum 600 words.
  • Authors should be registered in the system according to the order of their names in the abstract.
  • There should be at least two scientific articles, one of which is the first name, belonging to the author in charge who prepared the review.
  • Abstract should consist of the following sections and each section should comply with the specified criteria:
  • Title: It should be written in capital letters, be short and concise, reflect the content of the study, and be appropriate in terms of describing and generalizing the study.
  • Introduction and Aim: Brief information about the subject of the study should be given and the purpose of writing the review should be clearly stated.
  • Body Text: Importance and characteristics of the subject should be explained in the light of current scientific knowledge.
  • Conclusion: Contribution of the compilation to the existing knowledge and the inferences and recommendations based on it should be included.
  • References: Optional
  • Keywords: Minimum 3, maximum 5 words
  • Paper should contain at least 1,000 and at most 4,000 words.
  • Authors should be registered in the system according to the order of their names in the paper.
  • There should be at least two scientific articles, one of which is the first name, belonging to the author in charge who prepared the review.
  • Paper should consist of the following sections and each section should comply with the specified criteria:
  • Title: It should be written in capital letters, be short and concise, reflect the content of the study, and be appropriate in terms of describing and generalizing the study.
  • Introduction and Aim: Brief information about the subject of the study should be given and the purpose of writing the compilation should be clearly stated.
  • Body Text: Importance and characteristics of the subject should be explained in the light of current scientific knowledge.
  • Conclusion: Contribution of the compilation to the existing knowledge and the inferences and recommendations based on it should be included.
  • References: It is mandatory. Reference writing rules of the Turkish Journal of Public Health are valid in the references.


  • Presentation time for oral presentations is 10 minutes (8 minutes presentation, 2 minutes discussion).
  • It is recommended to prepare a maximum of 12-15 slides for the presentation.