Zeynep Çakır
Prof. Dr. Zeynep Çakır was born on 14.07.1971 in Kayseri. Originally from Osmaniyeli, she is one of two daughters of a family with three children. Zeynep ÇAKIR, who spent all of her education and professional life in Erzurum, completed her education in Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine in 1995. After working as a general practitioner in Erzurum Provincial Health Directorate Mother-Child Health Family Planning Branch and MCHFP Center, she started to receive specialty training at Atatürk University Medical Faculty Emergency Medicine Department in 2000. When he joined the community as an Emergency Medicine Specialist, the calendars showed May 2004. In 2005, he was appointed as an assistant professor to Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine Emergency Medicine Department. He became an associate professor of emergency medicine in 2011 and a professor in 2016.
Being interested in the problems of Emergency Medicine Specialists and all emergency workers in our country since the beginning of his academic life, Prof. Dr. Zeynep ÇAKIR has been a member of the Board of Emergency Medicine Specialists Association since 2009 and is still the vice president of the same association.
Zeynep ÇAKIR is married to a neurosurgeon and a neurosurgeon who is a health worker and academic like herself. He has two children he believes are the biggest investments in the world.