Mahinda Seneviratne
Mahinda Seneviratne is an occupational health professional in Australia with over 25 years’ experience involving research, teaching, consulting, regulatory enforcement and policy development. He is a certified occupational hygienist and has conducted research into occupational respiratory disease, led intervention programs to prevent silicosis and investigated cases of pneumoconiosis among mining and other workers. He has contributed expertise to technical standards on preventing exposure to hazardous chemicals, implementation of the Globally Harmonised System for classification and labelling of hazardous chemicals (GHS) and to OHS legislation reform in Australia.
Mahinda is chair of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) scientific committee on improving occupational health of workers in small scale enterprises and informal sectors (SCOHSSEIS). He is a member of an international network on the health of migrant workers and is committed to building capability to deliver basic occupational health services to vulnerable workers and communities in low income countries.