Guy Widdershoven
Guy Widdershoven (1954) is professor of Medical Philosophy and Ethics at the Department of Ethics, Law and Humanities at Amsterdam University Medical Centers, VU University Amsterdam. He is senior researcher in the Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute. He is former scientific director of the School for Public Health and Primary Care (Caphri) of Maastricht University, and the Dutch National Research School for Primary Care Research (CaRe). He was president of the European Association of Centers for Medical Ethics (EACME).
Over the past 20 years, he set up many projects combining dialogical ethics and responsive evaluation in health care. He initiated a Dutch network on clinical ethics and moral deliberation, and also a European network on clinical ethics. Together with psychiatrists he coordinated a nationwide program in The Netherlands to reduce coercion and compulsion in psychiatry. He supervised projects concerning the theory and methodology of empirical ethics. He also supervised projects on ethical aspects of care around the end of life, particularly palliative care and euthanasia. Currently he coordinates two Horizon 2020 projects on Research Integrity: Mapping the Research Integrity Framework (EnTIRE) and Virtue based ethics and Integrity of Research: Train-the-Trainer program for Upholding principles and practices of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (VIRT2UE). The partners in these projects have initiated a platform for Research Integrity: The Embassy of Good Science.
He is author of over 300 articles and chapters in books on hermeneutic ethics, empirical ethics and moral case deliberation. He supervised over 50 PhD dissertations.