Alp Ergör
Prof. Dr. Alp Ergör
Dokuz Eylül University
Faculty of Medicine
Dept of Public Health
Balçova - İzmir
He was graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Medical Faculty in 1986, worked as a primary health care officer for 4 years at different organizations including MoH, Ankara Yenimahalle Municipality and Bilkent University. Afterward started to work as an assistant inspector at the Ministry of Labor in 1992 became labor inspector at 1995. Dr. Ergör
took his occupational health Ph. D degree from the Department of Public Health from Hacettepe University Medical Faculty with his thesis “on the relation between occupational accident and stress” with the consultancy of Prof.Dr.Nazmi Bilir (1997). In 1998, he started to work as a faculty member at the Department of Public Health at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. He has been taking responsibility of the post graduate education program of occupational health of Public Health Department since 1998.
Currently he is a professor of occupational health at Department of Public Health and also director of Dokuz Eylul University Occupational Health Center and consultant faculty at Occupational Diseases Department and University Hospital’s Healthcare Workers’ Health & Safety Unit.
Currently he is more focused on healthcare workers health, occupational accidents and risk analysis.
He is a member of International Commission on Occupational Health since 2000.